Thursday, November 28, 2019

Oil and Gas Industry free essay sample

However, as technology is constantly changing, the workforce requires ongoing development to ensure employees have the correct skills to perform their job role effectively. The oil and gas industry is a diverse sector that operates globally, both onshore and offshore. Over 400,000 people are employed in the UK industry alone with the majority of those employed onshore. Both offshore and onshore environments offer a wide variety of roles from drilling to design, accounts to engineering and HR to PR. Meeting standards All activity within the industry must conform to specified industry standards. These standards ensure a safe working environment for the oil and gas workforce. OPITO develop training standards in partnership with the industry and work closely with the training providers who deliver the courses to ensure that standards are maintained. OPITO therefore plays a strategic role in the oil and gas industry through workforce planning and skills development globally. OPITO works with industry employers to allow employees to engage in an ongoing process of professional development. We will write a custom essay sample on Oil and Gas Industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This helps to ensure that organisations have appropriately skilled and qualified workers to help meet their business objectives. This case study demonstrates how the right people with the right skills ensure that the sector can maximise the recovery of the remaining oil and gas reserves as well as remaining competitive and profitable. Workforce planning Workforce planning is a fundamental tool used by many organisations. This involves estimating future workforce requirements in terms of both labour demand and skills to aid the achievement of business objectives. An ppropriately skilled workforce is critical to an organisations short-term and long-term future in order to remain competitive. The industry requires a highly talented workforce, meaning the search for talent is extremely competitive. There are many factors affecting the employee marketplace, such as the UK’s ageing workforce and the need for appropriate skills and qualifications. These factors may contribute to futu re skills shortages as they reduce the pool of suitably qualified candidates that the oil and gas sector can recruit from. Analysing the skills base OPITO has published a Labour Market Intelligence survey which analyses the current skills situation within the industry. This can be used as a workforce planning tool to identify future skills needs. In order to address these needs, the industry works closely with schools, colleges and universities to inform and influence pupil/student subject choices, in an attempt to widen the pool of talent. As a technology-led business, the oil and gas industry is constantly changing and developing with roles following suit. However, attracting employees with the desired skills and abilities can be challenging across the sector. For example, increasingly oil is located in deeper waters and with this comes the challenge of accessing pipelines and structures safely. The role of Divers is now supplemented by the use of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) for tasks including the inspection of pipelines and in continuing maintenance. The operation and control of ROVs requires specialist skills and knowledge at both Technician and Graduate level. How technology is driving skills development Companies require skilled people, in both on and offshore roles, in order to extract oil and gas safely, whilst acting environmentally responsibly and remaining profitable. Companies within the industry often employ contractors to fill specific short-term roles. This is often the case when there is a need to manage increased production levels or when the use of specialist equipment is required. Workforce planning is an important tool in this situation. Companies need to ensure the required skills are not already available through salaried staff before hiring contractors for the specific role. As the oil and gas industry locates and explores previously challenging reservoirs, innovative technology is at the forefront. This is n integral part of a number of roles ranging from drilling to seismic interpretation. In order to keep pace with these advances a diverse range of core skills and competences are fundamental. In order to remain profitable and competitive the commercial angle must be considered in conjunction with the technical advances. Therefore within a project team a combination of both technical and commercial disciplines work closely together t o ensure the project is viable. This may include Geologists, Seismologists, Accountants, Lawyers, Engineers and Analysts. Functions of an organisation The range of roles and departments within the industry and within individual organisations means that they must be divided into specialised functions in order to work effectively. There are several ways of doing this. For example, if the company is national or international it may be divided geographically, national companies may then be split by region whilst international companies may be split by continent. Some organisations within the industry divide the company by processes, such as exploration, production and refining. However most organisations use a combination of factors to divide the company up to ensure maximum efficiency. The range of functions and associated areas are varied, yet some are common to companies across the sector: Technical – includes a range of engineering disciplines, as well as geoscientists and designers Science – monitoring the environment, locating reservoirs and appraising wells Health amp; safety – ensures the working environment is safe for employees in both the office and offshore environments Commercial – includes marketing, logistics, accounts and law Human resources – responsible for employees training and welfare. There are a variety of routes into the industry. These include apprenticeships, university and college as well as from other trades and professions. For example, OPITO run a highly successful Technician Training Scheme. The scheme trains apprentices in electrical, mechanical, process and instrument amp; control disciplines commonly used across the industry. As part of the four-year scheme an apprentice trains for two years at college before gaining two years of practical experience. Apprenticeships allow trainees to earn throughout their training while gaining relevant qualifications and experience in their chosen field. Roles and responsibilities To ensure employees work as efficiently as possible it is important to have clearly defined job roles and responsibilities. This is particularly important in large firms to ensure no part of the workload is overlooked. In smaller organisations job roles may be less structured as employees may be required to take on a variety of tasks and responsibilities. Job descriptions Clear job descriptions and personal remits enable workers to focus on their job-specific tasks. It allows employees to prioritise their workload and reduce the chance of work duplication. In the offshore environment, where safety is a key priority, defined roles and responsibilities ensure that workers are competent and qualified for the tasks they undertake. Organisational structure and responsibility The roles and responsibilities of each worker are overseen by supervisors, team leaders and managers. The number of workers that the supervisor is responsible for is called a span of control. The span of control will become wider as the number of employees being supervised increases. For example, an Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) is responsible for the complete running of the rig/platform and is accountable for the health and safety of everyone on-board. This means the OIM has a large span of control. However, a Tool Pusher, the department head in charge of the Drilling and Deck Crews, is accountable for the drilling staff and as such has a smaller span of control. To allow for the supervision and management of workers organisations are divided by layers as well as department or functions. The smallest layer at the top of the organisational structure has more responsibility and accountability than the larger layers at the bottom. This forms an organisations hierarchy. A hierarchy establishes a chain of command. This allows information to be communicated from one layer of the organisation to the next. This information will pass through the span of control in each layer. An example of this is when important safety information is passed from the OIM, down through the hierarchy to the Technicians. All job roles, from geological exploration to human resources, will fall within a hierarchy. Roles within the oil amp; gas industry The oil and gas industry offers many different roles requiring different skills in different environments: Kirsty, an Administration Assistant, is just starting her career in the oil amp; gas industry. Kirsty joined a contracting company straight from school and recommends the industry as a great place to work. Since joining the company she has begun a business and administration course. The course is funded by her employers and gives her the opportunity to widen her knowledge and develop her skills. It will allow Kirsty to work towards promotion to a supervisory role. In her current role Kirsty’s main responsibilities are liaising with customers, organising meetings and booking travel arrangements for managers. David is a Reservoir Management Geologist working for a multinational exploration and production company. David joined the industry 15 years ago, after leaving his career as a pilot and completing a master’s degree at university. David’s role includes supervising a small team to build and maintain field reservoir models. It also involves supervising interactions with other organisational functions such as ‘Well Planning’ to advise on the placement of new wells, which allow the oil to be extracted. Although David’s role as a supervisor throws up challenges he feels he is well rewarded with a good salary and work/life balance. This allows him to provide a secure future for his family. Mark has held a number of offshore positions during his 28 years in the industry. He began as an OPITO apprentice on the Technician Training Scheme, where he spent two years at college and gave him a further 2 years on the job experience. Mark now holds one of the most responsible jobs in the industry as an OIM, based on a North Sea platform. He is accountable for 120 people working on the platform and has an operating budget of around ? 0 million. Whilst progressing through the industry he has gained lots of practical experiences and qualifications including an SVQ in supervisory management and management of major emergencies course. Mark enjoys the variety of his role as an OIM and is looking forward to continuing his career offshore for many years to come. Career progression at this level would mean moving to an onshore role. Conclusion Organisations within the oil amp; gas industry seek to extract resources efficiently, safely and profitably to serve world markets. To do this OPITO has developed standards which help to ensure processes meet these requirements. The industry requires talented and competent employees to ensure these standards are maintained. In order to do this, as well as employing directly, the industry often works with a number of contractors when specialist tasks or increased production demands it. The industry supports many diverse roles. Not all roles within the industry require technical or scientific skills. Commercial skills are also essential for many of the roles based onshore. OPITO helps to support the industry through its role in workforce planning and skills development, helping to attract the next generation of the oil amp; gas workforce. The rate of change within the industry is likely to increase over the next 50 years as the industry extracts oil from ever more challenging reservoirs in the North Sea and across the world. To contend with this rate of change, individuals will have the opportunity to develop new skills and competencies as they engage in the process of lifelong learning. OPITO’s role ensures that the oil amp; gas industry is capable of meeting future demands.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Internationalization Strategies The WritePass Journal

Internationalization Strategies Introduction Internationalization Strategies ). The final plan of the open-up initiative further relaxed the number and size of retail outlets that could be owned by foreign companies. In 1993, foreign companies were allowed to open up as many as 20 retail stores with a maximum size of 3,000 sq m. However, it was in 1996, that the FDI policy for the South Korean industry was completely liberalized allowing foreign supermarket giants to expand their international business operations in earnest. Sensing this opportunity, both Wal-Mart and Tesco entered the South Korean market almost at the same time; with both adopting different international business strategies (Retail 360, 2012). Market Entry Strategy Upon liberalization of the South Korean market, Wal-Mart attempted to make its way into the new market by building its own stores in remote urban areas of the South Korean cities where real estate prices were relatively lower than the main commercial centres. It was a clear replication of Wal-Mart’s US strategy of smaller-city store build-up. Wal-Mart succeeded in opening up a total of only 16 stores in all of South Korea; with having only one store in the Seoul metropolitan area. With this, the company failed to achieve the economies of scale. Wal-Mart anticipated that the Korean consumers, like those in the US, would drive to its remotely located stores for bulk price shopping. However, this location strategy proved to be contrary to the South Korean consumers’ lifestyle and shopping behaviours. Korean consumers preferred buying smaller units of goods more frequently and thus favoured accessibility to a store more over bulk price buying (Retail 360, 2012). Unlike Wal-Mart, Tesco took a more gradual path of market entry. Tesco entered the South Korean market through a joint venture with Samsung. Samsung is one of the largest South Korean conglomerates operating across a wide range of business sectors. With this market entry strategy, Tesco benefited from Samsung’s knowledge and know-how of local market and consumers behaviours whilst limiting its focus upon transferring its core retailing skills to the South Korean market. Tesco did not try to replicate its British version of retail business in the new market.   Tesco gradually increased its stake in its joint venture until it acquired 95% of its stake (Retail 360, 2012). Firm Size and Internationalization Management literature prescribes four fundamental business strategies and their coinciding business models for firm operating internationally. These are: Multinational organizational strategy: It resembles a ‘decentralized federation’, wherein each of the foreign subsidiaries of an organization can adapt the company’s products and services and even business strategies,   to meet the local requirements of its international destinations. The head offices of those companies adhering to this strategy presumably maintain only financial controls over its subsidiaries. International organizational strategy: This type of strategy resembles a ‘coordinated federation’ wherein the head office of a business is determined to transfer its knowledge, expertise and technology to its subsidiaries in new markets. The subsidiaries is foreign markets depend upon the headquarters for developing products and services, processes and ideas; although some tasks and authorities are decentralized. The subsidiaries enjoy some autonomy regarding policies and business level strategies. Global organizational strategy: This strategy essentially forms a ‘central hub’ wherein the centre has a stringent focus upon marketing standardized product and services across the globe through a predefined unified strategy. The head office observes a tight control over all the business activities with foreign subsidiaries being strictly confined to the implementation of the policies and procedures of the head office. Their task remains to provide only sales and service. Transnational organizational model: It resembles an ‘integrated network’ wherein ideas and information flows both ways from the head office to the subsidiary and vice versa. This strategy is prevalent in knowledge organizations and information technology firms and knowledge organizations. (Kairimi and Konsynski, 1991; Hill, 2003; Johnson and Turner, 2003) Considering the above theory, business strategy of Wal-Mart in South Korea can be described as being of ‘global organizational strategy’. Wal-Mart, which entered South Korea in 1996, disappointed South Korean customers by sticking to its Western marketing strategies. The company insisted upon focusing more on dry goods, ranging from clothing to electronics, just like its American stores, while its rivals focused more on selling food and beverages which according to experts attracts South Korean customers to hypermarkets/supermarkets. Moreover, Wal-Mart stores followed their traditional store design, making them look too simpler in appearance than its local rivals. Its store simplicity was further marked by its display strategy in wherein it sold its products in boxes, while most of its rivals built eye-catching display with clerks appealing to customers over megaphones and through hand clapping like a traditional street market (Sang-Hun, 2006 a). For instance, Wal-Mart d isplayed fish wrapped in cellophane, disregarding the South Korean custom of buying fresh fish (alive in tanks). Furthermore, by applying US standards to its stores in South Korea, the company failed to alleviate various difficulties faced by its customers. For instance, adhering to the US standards, the height of the shelves at Wal-Mart stores was too high for short South Koreans (Sang-Hun, 2006 b). Meanwhile, the business strategy of Tesco, can be described as that of a ‘multinational organization’. The South Korean subsidiary of Tesco operates with complete autonomy in terms of its business strategy and approach, following an organizational structure of a decentralized federation. This approach is evident from the company’s articulated ‘Homeplus’ stores, which have relatively different features than those of Tesco’s home country stores. The chairperson of the company’s South Korean division appears to formulate and execute its business strategy with a stern local perspective; a key constituent for the business’s success in South Korea. The most critical challenge for any company undergoing international expansion is to take into account the cultural differences between its home and foreign market (see Hofstede, 1991, 2001).  Ã‚   From the case of Wal-Mart in South Korea, it is evident that cultural habits and preferences play the most crucial role in determining the success or failure of a retail food business. In order to overcome this challenge, Tesco adopted a strategy to run its South Korean business in a strictly localized way. Pertaining to this strategy, the company employs a large number of local staff, even at its top most managerial positions. For instance, in 2008, out of its 23000 employees, only four of them were British; one of them being the regional director while the others were positioned at middle management (Davey, 2009). This strategy has proved to be very successful of Tesco. According to Martin Uden, the British ambassador to South Korea, the success of Tesco in South Korea is attributed to its strategy to run the business like a local one. He states that Tesco is just using its general retailing skills to run the company with a Korean approach (Davey, 2009). The company’s Homeplus format of stores is another reflection of its multinational business strategy. The Homeplus format stores are regarded as highly popular cultural centres as they facilitate community education within the premises of the hypermarkets. Overall, Homeplus stores in South Korea have more than 650 classes being conducted simultaneously to a school term in numerous subjects such as English and Chinese, Cookery and Ballet among others. In South Korea, sending children to private tuitions after school hours (called as ‘hakwons’) is a common practice. The provision of community education where children attend regular classes while their mothers occasionally accompany them for shopping is a highly successful approach. Apart from this, the Homeplus format offer sitting, resting and play areas for children. Moreover, instant snacks such as noodles and others are served at the corners of various aisles throughout the stores (Davey, 2009). South Koreans value the street market shopping experience along with the convenience of a hypermarket offered by Homeplus store. Such customer-focused approach which has been very popular in South Korea is achieved by the company’s overall international business strategy. Conclusion The opening up of South Korean market and its favourable FDI policies paved way for the international expansion of large multinational retail chains within the South Korean market. Wal-Mart chose to enter the new market with complete ownership of its subsidiaries, anticipating its success based on its homeland experience. Meanwhile, Tesco treaded the new water more carefully by choosing to enter the new market through joint venture, and gradually increasing its stake in the business. The international business strategy of Wal-Mart and Tesco differed starkly in regard to the South Korean market, with the former adopting a standardized approach, adhering to a global organizational strategy while the latter following a customized approach for the expansion in South Korea, adhering to a multinational business strategy. The standardized approach adopted by Wal-Mart failed to deliver the level of success desired by the company, leading to its ultimate exit from the South Korean market in the year 2006. Tesco, on the other hand, continued to progress and succeed in its South Korean market, acquiring a 95% stake in its joint venture with Samsung. It can be concluded that when there are stark cultural differences within the home country and the new target market, a multinational firm should best adhere to a multinational organizational strategy rather than adhering to a standard global strategy for international business. This is not to say that this perspective is the si ngle factor behind the success and failure of Tesco and Wal-Mart in South Korea. Various other factors usually intertwine to determine the success or failure of a firm in an international market. However, this perspective can be considered as the leading cause behind it.    References Conyon, S. Girma, M. Thompson, S., Wright P.   (1999). The Impact of Foreign Acquisition on Wages and Productivity in the UK; Centre for Research on Globalisation and Labour Markets, School of Economics, University of Nottingham Czinkota, M., Ronkainen, I. and   Moffett., H (2005) â€Å"International Business†, Wiley. Davey, J. (2009) Tesco enjoys a Korea break with Homeplus. The Sunday Time {online} (cited on 28th December, 2012) Euromonitor, (2009)Euromonitor International {online} (cite on 9th August, 2012) Hill, (2003) in Lan, C. (2005) â€Å"Global Information Society:  Operating Information Systems In A Dynamic Global Business Environment†, Idea Group Inc Johnson, D. and Turner, C. (2003), â€Å"International Business: themes and issues in the modern global economy†, Routledge Kairimi and Konsynski (1991) in Lan, C. (2005) â€Å"Global Information Society:  Operating Information Systems In A Dynamic Global Business Environment†, Idea Group Inc Mckinsey Quarterly (2002) Taking Tesco global: David Reid, deputy chairman of Tesco, the United Kingdom’s largest grocer (2002), explains his international strategy. {online} (cited on 28th December, 2012) Retail 360, (2012) Korean retail therapy for foreign chains Tesco , Wal-mart and  Carrefour International Retail Consultants {online} (cited on 28th December, 2012) Sang-Hun, C. (2006 a) Wal-Mart quitting South Korea {online} (cited on 28th December, 2012) Sang-Hun, C. (2006 b) Wal-Mart quitting South Korea {online} (cited on 28th December, 2012)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managerial Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Managerial Accounting - Essay Example This money would be classified as cash until the salaries are actually paid. At that point, salaries would come upon a specific salary section on the balance sheet or may even be considered a business expense and taken of the balance sheet altogether. 2) a) The predetermined overhead rate for the year is $5 per direct labor hour. (Manufacturing Overhead/ Direct Labor-hours) ($80,000/ 16,000) = $5 per direct labor hour. b) The amount of overhead charged to jobs during the year is $75,000. (Actual direct labor-hours * Predetermined overhead rate) (15,000 * $5) = $75,000 c) The amount of underapplied or overapplied overhead for the year is $3,000 underapplied. (Actual overhead costs – Applied overhead costs) ($78,000 - $75,000) = $3,000 d) The unit cost that would appear on the job cost sheet for Job #315 is $59. (Direct Materials + Direct Labor + Overhead applied)/ 100. ($1,500 + $2,400 + $2,000) = $5,900. $5,900/ 100 = $59. 3) $20,000 + $201,000 = $221,000. $221,000 - $35,000 = $186,000 4) a) TVC = $118,008/ 2,400 = $49.17. $49.17 * 2,500 = $122,925 b) TFC = $9,000/ 2,400 = $3.75. $3.75 * 2,500 = $9,375 c) TC = $122,925 + $9,375 = $132,300 d) AVC = $122,925/ 2,500 = $49.17 e) AFC = $9,375/ 2,500 = $3.75 f) ATC = $49.17 + $3.75 = $52.92 5) Sales = Variable expenses + Fixed expenses + Desired Profit $170Q = $39.10 + $641,410 + $65,450 $130.90 = $706,860 Q = $706,860/ $130.90 per unit Q = 5,400 units 6) The absorption costing net operating income for last year was $66,600. Inventory increased by 900 units. Fixed manufacturing overhead cost per unit was $3. 900 units * $3 = $2,700. Absorption cost equals variable costing net operating income times the total inventory cost. $63,000 + $2,700 = $66,600. 7) Activity-based costing is used to identify activities in an organization and assigns costs to an activity based on the actual consumption of an activity. The benefit to this type of costing model is that each activity is separate from the other and it is easie r to see which areas are performing well and which areas are performing not so well. The five levels of an activity-based cost system typically are unit-level activities, batch-level activities, product-level activities, organization-sustaining activities, and customer-level activities. The first three levels of activities are all different stages of production. Each stage of production is broken down so that it can be seen what can be cut back on. The fourth and fifth activities have more to do with management of the organization. Organization-sustaining activities are those that affect the employees of an organization, while customer-level activities deal with how customers perceive an organization to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Entrepreneurship University level paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Entrepreneurship University level paper - Essay Example Writers have described entrepreneur as a person who’s chief and distinctive abilities are to take risks, has knowledge of market functions and manufacturing know-how, has marketing and management skills and finally possesses the ability to co-operate with others (Littunen 2000). He is able to foresee the unknown, and be daring enough to try it out of absolute desire to take risk. He identifies an opportunity, goes against conventional wisdom and pursues an untried strategy for the joy of achievement of his desired intention. Profit is but a secondary motive to the individual entrepreneur although in a corporate environment, as he cannot ignore it, he skillfully builds his actions around it. Bird (1988, 1992) says that entrepreneurship is a state of mind that reflects how a person focuses his attention and uses his experience and behavior to a specific objective. Intentions are what differentiate an entrepreneur from a normal person. According to Wiklund and Shepherd (2003) they have a mindset that has a strategic orientation for decision making in a specific style, method and practice. Bird, B., (1988), Implementing entrepreneurial ideas: The case for intention. Academy of Management Review, 13, 3, pp 442-453. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from Library and Information Service, Curtin University of Technology. Bird, B., (1992), "The operation of intentions in time: the emergence of new venture", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 17, 1, pp 11-20. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from Library and Information Service, Curtin University of Technology. Littunen, H., (2000), Entrepreneurship and the characteristics of the entrepreneurial personality, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 6, 6, pp 295-309. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from Library and Information Service, Curtin University of Technology. Wiklund, J., and Shepherd, D., (2003), Knowledge-based resources, entrepreneurial orientation, and the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Human Resource Management - Essay Example City's stand on not bargaining for temporary employees is justified. This is so because the temporary employees are not full time employees and hence not unionized. Therefore the employer has full authority over them. However, this does not mean that they should be exploited. The temporary employees have their rights and the employer should strictly respect their rights. The union's refusal to bargain on the employee management committee is not in good spirit. The union should be involved in the bargain .The functions as of the committee as stated do not conflict with the functions of the union. The committee's duties are purely managerial. Owing to the set up of the committee it can be argued that the committee will not weaken the union in any way. In the actual sense the committee will only embark on issues pertaining to the efficiency of the company. It does not usurp any function or power of the union. However, if City implements the policies, the union is free to seek a court redress. Further the union can seek the assistance of the employees in stopping the implementation of the policies. The employees can be asked to go on strike. However, this should be according to the law which states that a notice of at least 21 days should be given before the strike. Secondly god turnover would also include invo... Q2 Good and bad turnover. Introduction From a performance standpoint, good turnover include people who have been fully trained but still do not meet expectations after a reasonable period of time. Secondly god turnover would also include involuntarily terms. This is based on the decision of an organization to terminate an individual. The individual might not be willing to leave but due to the decision of the organization he/she has to leave. On the other hand, bad turnover includes people who have been promoted but yet decide to leave the company. The company invests on an individual by training him/her and yet he/she leaves the company. This translates as a bad turnover on the side of the organization. Further bad turnover includes those leaving the company whether voluntarily or involuntarily. This can lead to organizations filling a Third Party Action (TPA) against an employee. For instance if an individual did not manage performance and provide feedback as was required of him/her and incur TPA as a result his/her cost of turnover goes up and that is not a good thing. Turnover is calculated as: Turnover = Number of employees leaving during the year. X 100.Average numbers employed during the year For example: If an organization has a total of 250 employed during the year and at the end of the year only 25 employees are leaving the turnover for the company is satisfactory as only 10 percent of the employees will leave. However, if 75 employees out of the total 250 employed during that year are leaving then the turnover is bad for the company as it amounts to 30 percent of employees leaving during the year. NOTE: The rate of 25% and less leaving the organization within one year is satisfactory (good

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Reasons For Investing In It Projects Information Technology Essay

The Reasons For Investing In It Projects Information Technology Essay The requirement for software has developed far faster than world ability to create it. Also, the people need software that is isolated more usable, reliable, and stronger than what is being introduced today. We have become seriously dependent on very big software systems which behavior of character is not well identified and which are frequently fail in unexpected ways. So increase on software researches may be given a strong priority. Special emphasis should be placed on developing software for managing large amounts of information, for making computers easier to use, for making software easier to create and maintain, and for improving the ways humans communicate with computers.   IT changed the world Information Technology will be leading and most powerful in the 21st century that will change the way of our life style. Learning, working, and playing and everything will be depend on powerful IT Projects Advances in computing and communications technology will create a new infrastructure for business, scientific research, and social interaction. This expanding infrastructure will provide us with new tools for communicating throughout the world and for acquiring knowledge and insight from information. Information technology will help us to understand how we affect the natural environment and how best to protect it. It will provide a vehicle for economic growth. Information technology will make the workplace more rewarding, improve the quality of health care, and make government more responsive and accessible to the needs of our citizens. We are living in 21st century in these days everything is handy, everything is compact because of Information Technology .Developed country and developing country every one need information technology , because   everyone wants to make their work easier or shorter, even they are ready to spend more money for that. In this modern world people are expecting more from information technology, they want to be relevant to their dreams as a software or IT projects. The modern people are used to IT because the Information Technology have done a lot to the public that is from the communication service , transport service, accounts department, colleges, supermarkets, even a small grocery shop using   IT technologies. So this world is always welcoming Information Technology nowadays. IT is friendly for public   Mostly everyone in this world like to finish their work faster because that is the nature of human being,   so incredible   IT is a gift for   them. Now very rarely   we can see a long queue in bank or train ticket counter   because of   this IT   technology .You just imagine if millions of people living without any IT technology   even one day they cant   manage without it technology   everything will   freeze or struck and they cant   come out no heating no traffic lights. So everything depends on IT. The relationship between   information   technology   and   public never end public always need new   technologies and some updated for old technology. Impotence of   IT Companies There are lots of companies and organizations are waiting for good IT projects to attract their customers. They are ready to invest a lot of money for software projects. An IT company  needs to create a project for their clients, and they need to know about their clients requirements and user ability and the functions between the company and their customers. An IT company can do  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   End user IT support  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Managing desktops  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Managing their networks  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Voice and data communication  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Create Application for Business  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Planning for strategic Technology  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Project Management For their customers     Advantages   of   IT projects Information Technology   makes everything easy and faster. One software can finish the work very quickly, than many men doing that work so there is time saving. If a software can do a work of hundred mens work there is a cost cut, that company can save more wages in their profit. If everything computerized everything will be  under our finger tip paying a bill card transaction debit, credit card usage can do with a laptop or a PC. This could be financial impact, pure profit, ROI, increased sales, impact on share price. Mostly every department gets advantages from Information Technology so all of them are ready to invest their profits on Information Technology. Why companies and organizations investing in IT projects Each and every department working for their clients or customers, they need more customers to increase their profit level or profit margin. So they are expecting help from IT companies because they can create a suitable IT projects or software to make customers work easier. A good project management can create a useful project for their clients. A good project can very easily attract customers and in the mean time many customers can be handled by the software projects even a customer can operate the machine if the machine is user friendly, in future in all over the world all kind of work can be done by machines and applications. Many countries like America , United Kingdom Germany etc spending their money on Information Technology to develop the country.   Main Goals of investing in IT projects    There are main goals of everyone investing money, time in IT projects. Saving money saving time reduces risk of financial, technological and data losses caused by disasters. Increasing investment in IT projects become a multimillion business because the big company and industries realize that they can earn more money or more profit from this IT project and this IT projects stabilize their growth of their industries.  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Civil War Medicine :: essays research papers

In the early years of the Civil War it became clear that disease would be the greatest killer. Twice as many Civil War soldiers died of disease then that were killed in combat. This was due to unsanitary and filthy conditions, untrained Medical personnel and poor medical examination of new soldier’s. One fact from the Civil War was 315,000 soldiers died from illnesses that included: 44,558 from diarrhea/dysentery, 10,063 from malaria, 34,833 from typhoid, 958 from typhus and 436 from yellow fever. The sanitary conditions that a cured during the civil war was shocking. Unsanitary hospitals and camps kept the wounded soldiers in large groups, which were ideal places for infection, fevers and disease to spread. Soldiers were not immune to childhood diseases like the measles and small pox. Medical science had not yet discovered the importance of antiseptics in preventing infection. Water was contaminated and soldiers sometimes ate unripened or spoiled food. There weren’t always clean rags available to clean wounds. Because of frequent shortages of water, surgeons often went days without washing their hands or instruments. So now germs were passing from patient to patient. The Civil War was fought at the end of the middle Ages; therefore the Medical Corps was unqualified in all fields of medical care. Little was known about what caused disease, how to stop it from spreading, or how to cure it. Surgical techniques ranged from the tough to easy. Underqualified, understaffed, and undersupplied medical corps, who was often referred to as quacks and butchers by the press, took cared of the men in the Civil War. During this period a physician received minimal training. Nearly all the older doctors served as apprentices in lieu of formal education. Even those who attended one of the few medical schools were poorly trained. The average medical student trained for two years, received no experience, and was given virtually no laboratory instruction. Still, another reason for disease being the greatest killer in the Civil War was the bad medical examinations of recruits. The recruiting process allowed underage, overage men and those in noticeably poor health to join the army on both sides. Two hundred thousand recruits originally accepted for services were told to be unfit and discharged, either because they had become ill or because a routine examination revealed their bad condition.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Using Appropriate examples, discuss the Elitist and Pluralist Approach to Governance

In this Essay, our main aim of discussion is to build a general understanding about how organisation sustainability researchers propose evaluating organisation sustainability and how the proposed models and frameworks changed over time. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of several aspects, focusing on the methods, tools and models proposed for organisation sustainability assessment, noting the organisation level of evaluation (the organisation level, a broader industry of value chain level, or a narrower product, service or process level).Two other aspects of the research were the definition of sustainability in the proposed models with regard to sustainability dimensions, and different empirical studies conducted using the proposed theoretical models. Administration is a long and slightly pompous word with various humble meanings. The word administration was derived from the Latin words ‘ad’ and ‘ministiare’ which means to serve. To administe r is to manage, direct or serve. It also means to care for or to look after people or management of affairs. In simple terms, administration is the process of managing affairs.It is practised by all kinds of organizations from household to the most complex system of the government. For instance; the giving of instructions by the husband to the wife in a home to prepare food, looking after ailing of the children by the mother and preparing tea and all the duties that a husband deems fit in a home all comes to the administration in that particular home. When it comes to the government, the collection of income-taxes by Income-tax Departments, the disbursement of salaries by the Treasury to the officers constitute some instances of administration.Administration may be defined as the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve desired ends. Administration is mainly concerned with proper organization of men and material to achieve desired ends. It consists of â €˜doing the work’ or ‘getting the work done by others’. The problem of administration arises, whenever and wherever men live together. Man being a social animal, the activities of a man in society are to be properly organized and managed. Without a proper organization and management, it would become difficult for men to live together.Administration is therefore a necessary activity of every human grouping. It may be called ‘technology of social relationships’. It involves rational organization and management of men and material. Administration comes in two forms namely public and private. Private administration refers to activities of a household, club corporation or company which are private organizations. Public administration is defined in various forms. Public administration can be defined as public policy, management of public affairs or as government in action.In public administration, we refer to the activities of the State performed by the central, provincial or local government. Public administration can be defined in many various forms. To some thinkers, public administration is termed as the fulfilment or enforcement of public policy as declared by the competent authorities. It deals with the problem and powers, the organization and techniques of management involved in carrying out the laws and policies formulated by the policy making agencies of government. Public administration is law in action as it is the executive side of the government.In addition, public administration is also an art, science of management as applied to the affairs of State, a science of administration which has to do with government and thus concerns itself primarily with the executive branch were the work of the government is done as earlier stated. From the above definitions, we have noted that public administration in the wider sense includes all the activities of all the three branches of the government namely the legislative, executiv e or judiciary which make the subject unwieldy and lead to confusion.In the narrow sense public administration is restricted to the organization and operations or activities of the executive branch only. Public administration is concerned with such questions as how law should be administered with equity, speed and without friction. It is the systematic execution of the will of the people which has been discovered, formulated and expressed in the form of laws by the legislature. The assessment and rating of taxes, for instance, the hanging of criminal, the delivery of mails, the recruitment of army are all acts of public administration.Thus it may be said that public administration is the non-political machinery of the government carrying on its work for the welfare of the people according to the laws set up by the State. It is the permanent executive as distinguished from the political one. We must at this stage also be clear that public administration has to do with people and not with things. There is a school of thought which holds that in the future the tendency will be from the administration of persons towards the administration of things which does not carry any sense at all.Things may be arranged but ultimately it is the participation of the human element that matters. Things no doubt, are of great importance to the administrator who arranges them but they cannot be administered by him. Administration has to do with human beings for which it is meant. It is managed by human beings and it serves human beings. It is essentially a matter of social relationships. It must not also be forgotten that the administrator is neither a philosopher nor a politician but the non-political aspect of the executive.He should administer law as it is. It is none of his business to criticize the acts and policies of the government. He should accept an exile from party politics and devote his attention to the sincere performance of his duties. Public administration has been put to two usages according to day’s modern authorities. It is termed to be an activity and it also refers to the discipline of intellectual inquiry and study. For example; enforcement of law and order is an activity and is part of public administration.Public administration is also a discipline like political science, sociology, economics and so forth as such is a subject of study. It studies these activities and functions, frames concepts, formulates theories and shapes models. However, there are divergent views that govern the nature of the public administration such as integral view which engulfs public administration as a sum-total of all the activities undertaken in pursuit of and in fulfilment of public policy. These activities include not only managerial and technical but also manual and clerical.In this view, the definition covers a multitude of particular operations in many fields like the delivery of letters, the sale of public land, the negotiation of a treaty, t he award of compensation to an injured workman, the quarantine of a sick child, the removal of litter from a park, manufacturing plutonium and licensing the use of atomic energy. The other view in the nature of public administration is called the managerial view. According to this view, the work of only those persons who are engaged in the performance of managerial functions in an organization constitute administration.It is these persons who shoulder the responsibility of keeping the enterprise on even keel and to run it most efficiently. Their job is to plan, programme and organize all the activities in an organisation so as to achieve the desired ends. In this view, the term administration is also used in a narrower sense to refer to those patterns behaviours that are common to many kinds of co-operating groups and that do not depend upon either the specific goals towards which they are co-operating or the specific technological methods used to reach these goals.It is has been sa id that there is not any marked difference between public administration and private administration as both are conducted according to the same principle. The techniques of management and organization are common to both public and private administration. Accounting, statistics, office procedures, purchases, stocking, disposal are common to both types of administration. For instance an engineer does the same kind of work whether employed in a public under-taking or a private enterprise. The same employees do the same type of work with more or less the same procedures.Public administration has drawn heavily upon the knowledge and experience of private administration. All undertakings require planning, organization, command, coordination and control and in order to function properly, all must observe the same general principles. However, there are basic differences between public and private administration such as political direction, profit motive, service and cost, nature of function s, public responsibility, uniform treatment, , efficiency, monopolistic, officials remain incognito, psychological difference, financial meticulousness and greater social prestige.In political direction the great distinction between public and private administration lies in the fact that private is not subjected to political direction save in times of the gravest emergency unlike in public administration. The private administrators have their own ends pursued by the own devices as they are not dependent on political decisions made by the government. The administrator under public administration has to carry out order which he gets from the political executive with no option of his own. The other distinguishing feature is Financial meticulousness.Public administration has to very care in financial matters as any misuse of a single penny will raise queries and accountability hence a government ruling or people heading sensitive financial ministries and departments may be found wanting . The misuse of public funds may raise a storm in the country and compel the government to resign. The public money is to be spent meticulously and according to the prescribed procedure. The executive does not control finance. We therefore do not find dichotomy between finance and administration in private administration. Profit motive also accelerates dichotomy between public and private administration.Public administration is conducted with the motive of service to people while the private administration is conducted with a motive of profit making in each and every time of running their business. An example of public administration can be cited as a school for the public. Schools are run by the government and the government offers education to the members of the public not because they should generate income but offering a service to its society for the sake of literacy. With private administration, an investor may establish or build a factory in a particular area as a result of g enerating profit.Further, Greater Social Prestige – Public administration carries a greater social prestige than private as the public administration render services to the people than the private hence it commands more respect than private. Service to the community is the basic urge characteristic public administration hence people equipped with ability, mature experience which enables them to promote and safeguard public interest man public administration. This therefore adds flavour to the social status and enhances their prestige. Service and cost.In the matter of public administration only such amount of money is raised by taxation which is necessary for the rendering of the service. In other words, there is an ultimate relationship between the service rendered and the cost of the service charged from the public. If you take a look at any government budget you will find that it is generally a deficit budget i. e. where the expenditure exceeds income. In private administr ation income often exceeds expenditure because there is usually an attempt to exact as much money from the public as possible. If this does not happen, private administration opts for a closure.The nature of functions in public administration is also more comprehensive as it deals with various types of people. For instance, maintenance of the railways to facilitate movement of goods and passengers, provides posts and telegraphs to facilitate communications, maintains hospitals and dispensaries to protect public health. In terms of public responsibility; public administration has a responsibility to the public to face all manner of criticisms from the public, media and various political parties because they are bound hand to foot to public tasks.The visibility of public administrators is another notable difference between public and private sector. While a manager in a private business may work in relative obscurity, the public manager must operate in the public eye. His or her actio ns are constantly subjected to public scrutiny. The publicness of the work of the public manager doesn't end in merely carrying out public policy, the public manager has to respond to the demands of the public. The â€Å"inevitable tension† between efficiency and responsiveness, the pressure to manage effectively and to be simultaneously responsive to public concerns.This pressure often leaves public organizations in a â€Å"no-win† situation, trying to serve a public that demands effective government but balks at paying for it (taxes). The public also demands accountability in government, an assurance that those who formulate, implement and administer public programs will act responsibly. Government administration differs from all other administrative work by virtue of its public nature, the way in which it is subject to public scrutiny and outcry.A private administration would be regarded as quixotic if it allowed any considerations other than that of its own ultimat e, if not immediate profit. Thus while public administration is directly responsible to the people to a very great extent, private administration is only responsible to the people indirectly and that too also to secure its own ends and not the welfare of the people. In addition the uniform treatment should be consistent in procedure and uniform in dealings with the public as far as public administration is concerned.The official has to chalk out settled line of policy and to stick to it. He cannot show favour to some people and disfavour to others. A private administrator need not bother much about uniformity in treatment. It can cater for various special needs and purposes, charging often what the traffic will bear without raising the storm of public protest which in the case of public administration would immediately arise if in government one law were devised for the benefit of the rich and another for the poor.For instance, a shopkeeper may decide to give some chattels on credit to its regular customer buy may not extend this facility to any casual buyer. Such a feature does not occur in public administration. Further a clerk in the post office cannot sell stamps on credit to persons who are regular customers because the Post office is run privately but public hence no features of favours will be exhibited. Monopolism is also one of the features which distinguish public administration from private administration. The government does not allow private parties to compete with it.In private administration, several organizations can make the same brand in different forms to improve it for the betterment of the public whereas the government does not allow any private entity to emulate its products. For instance the responsibility of establishing Post and Telegram, Railways or coin currency cannot be given to any other persons or private body to do as they are exclusively fields of the government. As we go on, we discover that there is another difference between the private and public administration such as Officials remaining incognito.In private administration an entrepreneur does things on his own behalf and is well-known in the business circles and some businesses are even named after their own names whereas in public administration even the most senior officials remain incognito and their identity is not disclosed because whatever they do is done in the name of the government and not in their own name. The element of Efficiency also had a great effect on the public and private administration. It is felt by some thinkers that private administration is conducted on a level of efficiency as compared to public administration.It is a unanimous feeling that among members of the public that private administration operates in a more efficient manner than the public because of differential wage payments as an incentive to increase production and attract staff of superior ability from rival firms, improving designs and so forth whereas Public a dministration is marked by red tapism, extravagance, corruption and inefficiency. In a private administration the incentive of more profits impels the individual to devote him/herself wholeheartedly to his business. This incentive is lacks to a great extent in the public administration.Consequently, the administration of public affairs cannot be made equal to the efficiency of private administration. The other factor that makes the public sector different from the private is decision making. In public administration, the decision must be and should be pluralistic. The founding fathers intentionally created a democratic republic where all key decisions are made in politicized environment. This allows for maximum participation: open debate, multiple veto points – a decision making hierarchy where consensus must be achieved at each level, ideally, an informed decision.While private administration's decision-making is much more simple- it's monopolistic or close to monopolistic. This type of decision-making would avoid any conflicts in interest; hence, the goal is clearly defined. Finally, the quality that makes public sector different from private is in the form of unit analysis. Apart from publicly owned-companies, most public institutions are part of a larger chain of command and control where it is harder to draw a line between the different parts of the system- and where legal frameworks provide little help in this.For instance: public agencies- like research councils or directorates of health- interact closely with ministries as well as subordinate institution and â€Å"users†. The innovation activities in these institutions are heavily influenced by decisions made above and below the chain of commands. The closest parallel to private sector will be large conglomerates or multinational companies. The complex system of organizations with various (and to some extent conflicting) tasks, is one of the reasons for the inefficiency of public administ ration. Inaddition, although political aspect is both apparent in public and private sector, political aspect is more important in the public than in the private sector. Policy decisions normally affect companies directly and indirectly, through laws, regulations and financial support. The public sector is at least formally controlled by elected politicians. The intimate link between this governance dimension and funding of current expenses of the activities implies a very strong link between ownership and control on the one hand and the growth strategies of the subsidiary organizations.In conclusion, both the public sector and the private sector depend on each other to operate efficiently and to serve the interest of the general populace. They therefore work hand in hand to the good of the society. The distinction between public and private can be seen as one of the â€Å"grand dichotomies† of Western thought. It is also a dichotomy that dominates the field of public adminis tration where it is mostly defined as a binary distinction between the realm of the state and the realm of the market. Both sectors are understood to be driven by different sets of competing and incompatible values.That is why discussions about this version of the public/private dichotomy are preoccupied with questions of how to separate the two domains and the organisations operating within them. This clear-cut distinction between the public and the private sector which originated in economic and liberal thought is now often criticised in public administration for being an oversimplification of reality. Due to various political, social and economic transformation processes, there seems to be a blurring of sectors with the effect that a flotilla of mixed organisational forms has emerged that operates both in the public and the private sector.They are seen as having various degrees of publicness. Not only are public organisations engaged in activities on the market place, there are a lso private organisations that engage in activities which used to be seen as exclusively public. And although performing of public tasks ‘used to be’ something done within the borders and boundaries of the nation-states, these ‘public tasks’ or in many ways now ‘internationalizing’ and in some ways even ‘globalizing’:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Mockingbird

To kill a Mocking Bird could be considered a reliable and unexaggerated portrait of southern American ´s prejudice because the author Harper Lee based Maycomb the setting for the book and the character Atticus. On the real place and people. Monroeville and Harper Lee ´s farther who was a lawyer. Monroeville was also Harper Lee ´s hometown and this gave her reasons to know the socity as deeply as she does. The people of Monroeville and other places in the South America recognised themselves and the part that they played in the society in the book, this illustrates the connection between the society in the 1930 and the fictional narrative. Having the book so accurate, the author can then hit the reader with more impact and can express her views on prejudice and discrimination with stronger force and more focus. The book investigates many types of prejudice. One is the hatred and fear towards the blacks and the violence between them that could break out at any time, for example the lynch mob. The lynch mob were a group of men that threatened to take the law in their own hands and got together to kill Tom Robinson before his trial. It shows the underground violence that surfaces before the rape case starts. It also shows how the lynch mob feel powerful in a group, because they are able to hide behind someone else. Scout doesn ´t understand what their intentions are and sees a face in the crowd and names him. 'Hey, Mr Cunningham ´ she says singling him out from the group. Mr Cunningham realises this and is put in the spotlight and can ´t hide behind anyone. He also realises that an innocent little girl has caught him in action. This puts pressure on Mr Cunningham and makes in take in to account for his actions. This is an effective way to combat this type of prejudice, Scout manages to d isarm Mr Cunningham, and he has to rethink his actions. There are many types of prejudice and they all subtly revolve around the Tom Robinson rape case. F... Free Essays on Mockingbird Free Essays on Mockingbird To kill a Mocking Bird could be considered a reliable and unexaggerated portrait of southern American ´s prejudice because the author Harper Lee based Maycomb the setting for the book and the character Atticus. On the real place and people. Monroeville and Harper Lee ´s farther who was a lawyer. Monroeville was also Harper Lee ´s hometown and this gave her reasons to know the socity as deeply as she does. The people of Monroeville and other places in the South America recognised themselves and the part that they played in the society in the book, this illustrates the connection between the society in the 1930 and the fictional narrative. Having the book so accurate, the author can then hit the reader with more impact and can express her views on prejudice and discrimination with stronger force and more focus. The book investigates many types of prejudice. One is the hatred and fear towards the blacks and the violence between them that could break out at any time, for example the lynch mob. The lynch mob were a group of men that threatened to take the law in their own hands and got together to kill Tom Robinson before his trial. It shows the underground violence that surfaces before the rape case starts. It also shows how the lynch mob feel powerful in a group, because they are able to hide behind someone else. Scout doesn ´t understand what their intentions are and sees a face in the crowd and names him. 'Hey, Mr Cunningham ´ she says singling him out from the group. Mr Cunningham realises this and is put in the spotlight and can ´t hide behind anyone. He also realises that an innocent little girl has caught him in action. This puts pressure on Mr Cunningham and makes in take in to account for his actions. This is an effective way to combat this type of prejudice, Scout manages to d isarm Mr Cunningham, and he has to rethink his actions. There are many types of prejudice and they all subtly revolve around the Tom Robinson rape case. F...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Proposal for The Corporate Governece

Proposal for The Corporate Governece MSc Dissertation Proposal on:Gender diversity and board-level governance impact on the agency cost and firm performanceStatement of proposed aims, points of interests and importance of outcomes.On the increment of a firm to a threshold, a common phenomenon is observed that for many years professional bodies have been seeking for an effective way of measure for the following factors: Firm Governance, Effectiveness of Agency Costs, Firm Performance and value in order to maintain the organisation is a logical order. However, from the reviewed related articles and self knowledge that there are many proposed ways of measure of above stated factors and most importantly, they seem to act on an individual basis with attached conditions in certain extent. Therefore, by consulting with the official released literatures the brief of proposed aims of this dissertation is set as follows to discuss and merge the findings from existing professional bodies to form a compact and comprehensive method( s) in reference to firm's Governance, Agency Cost, Performance and Firm Value:Initially, the measure of NED independent level is discussed and to conclude if better or higher independent level is preferred within this context. How the independent level of the NED can reduce the Agency Cost(s) and to increase the Firm Value.Within range of independence level, two further discussions are attached in terms of Women and Social Network. The analysis is carried out by comparing women's social network with men's to investigate whether women are more independent than men.Attendance behaviours of individual directors and the committee assignment are measured to verify if the independent of a director is associated with good governance such that high attendance is strongly associated with my " independent " measure or to form the relationship in between.Cash flow and divided payment are also used at a...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Write an analytical paper on the influence the media has had on the Research

Write an analytical on the influence the media has had on the political system - Research Paper Example egative aspects of media will be highlighted along with positive aspects so as to have a clear understanding on the influence of media on political system. The entire research study will be based on secondary research as the analysis will be performed on different views or opinions given by experts. At the end of the study a brief conclusion shall outline the major areas of political system which has been influenced by media. The major aim of this research study is to analyze the media influence on political system. This study would outline the past as well as current influences which are caused by media on politics. The objectives of the research study are- The research question for the study is – â€Å"what is the influence the media had or has on political system?† Research findings will be aligned with this particular research question and aim of the study. As per Baumgarten & Voltmer (2010), media effects or media influence are generally used in communication theory, sociology and media studies to refer to appropriate theories highlighting the impact of media culture and mass media on respective audience. The process of agenda setting is an unavoidable component of news that is collected by bigger organizations and it corresponds to maximum percentage of mass media. Media often produces material which is serious and impartial; they are even accorded a greater degree of authority and respect. In real time scenario, the ethics of television and press is related to hegemonic establishment that provides essential support to existing system. â€Å"Seeing is Believing† is a famous article of 1991 which was written by Greg Philo and it described the miner’s strike taking place in United Kingdom was strongly correlated with presentation of media about the event. In this article it was highlighted that media was able to grab atte ntion of millions of people located across the globe so as to contribute their opinion towards the violence occurring in the country

Friday, November 1, 2019

Organization Behavior in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organization Behavior in Action - Essay Example Even the Steel Workers Union member commented, â€Å"She’s just human and honest with people. I don’t say that about many CEOs.† This admission from a perceived opponent illustrates the extent to which Tilton’s genuine yet charismatic leadership is able to transcend the barriers of companies and deeply motivate and effect change from within. With respect to her vision, it is indisputable that Tilton is perhaps one of the most visionary CEOs of modern industrial America. Too many CEOs are all too eager to write a company off as a net loss as soon as it ceases to generate a profit. However, Tilton is able to see beyond the red ink of the balance ledger; in fact, she is able to see beyond the product that the firm was originally producing. In such a way, she is able to reduce the firm to its core profitable elements. As such, she does not judge the industry by its bottom line or even the demand and/or quality of its original product. Accordingly, this display s keen powers of insight which all too many CEOs do not possess. Lastly, it is one thing to take a failing industry over and work to turn a profit from it. It is entirely another to win the trust of the workers and prove to them that your sole interest in the firm is not strictly monetary; i.e. the process of winning the people. When asked by one of the firms she had recently purchased if she was going to â€Å"strip and flip† the firm, Tilton responded, â€Å"It’s only men I strip and flip. My companies I hold close and near to my heart†. Even though it was an off-hand and candid remark, this quick witted sarcasm showed a true form of vision. In this way, Tilton is able to quickly win the hearts and minds of the employees while allaying their worst fears that she is only riding their firm for a quick profit. Question 2: Which positive and negative leadership traits and styles were displayed by Tilton? As previously stated, Tilton’s powers of charisma, vi sion, and winning the hearts and minds of her employees is likely second to none; however, she also possesses an undeniably sharp talent of decisiveness and motivation. This is at least partially proven by her tireless work and late night efforts that she devotes to her firm on a daily basis. Conversely, there are a few negative implications regarding Tilton’s leadership traits that are referenced in the work. Not surprisingly, many of these weaknesses are born out of the extreme strengths that she possesses. For instance, a strength that Tilton possesses is her application of power and influence within the firms that she takes over. However, as she states herself, this leads to a type of â€Å"benevolent dictatorship†. As such, this has its own negative implications of a leader who accrues absolute power (also referenced in the text as â€Å"overleading†) and may lend herself to micromanaging aspects of the firm that would best be left to lower-level management . Likewise, it was a bit disconcerting reading about firms that are on the verge of bankruptcy being toured by their new CEO who is flaunting many tens of thousands of dollars in expensive clothing, cutting edge fashion, and an â€Å"8 carat diamond necklace†. In order to further gain the rapport of the firms under her leadership, it might help to tone down a bit of the gratuitous luxury with which she presents herself; especially since many of these workers are doubtless living directly on the poverty line.